
قالب پاورپوینت Pie Chart Infographics اینفوگرافیک پای چارت

صفحه 1:
Pie Chart Infograph ics Infographics begin

صفحه 2:
Jupiter It's the biggest planet in the Solar System Mars It’s a cold place. It's full of iron oxide dust Neptune It’s the farthest planet from the Sun Pie Chart Infographics Mercury Its the smallest planet in the Solar system Saturn It’s composed mostly of hydrogen and helium

صفحه 3:
Pie Chart Infographics 80% — -— 20% Mercury Venus Mercury is the closest Venus has a beautiful name planet to the Sun and the and is the second planet smallest one in the Solar from the Sun. It’s hot and System-it’s only a bit has a poisonous larger than the Moon atmosphere Jupiter is a gas giant, the biggest planet in the Solar System and the fourth-brightest object in the sky

صفحه 4:
Pie Chart Infographics To moaify this graph, click on it follow the link, change the data and paste it here [rns Month 4 Mercury is the Saturn is a gas giant smallest planet of and has rings Gets Jupiter is the biggest planet of them all Venus has a very poisonous atmosphere Neptune is far away from Earth Despite being red, Mars is actually cold

صفحه 5:
Pie Chart Infographics 1۳5 3 925 giant and also the biggest planet in the Solar System Mercury is the smallest planet in the Solar System Despite being red, Mars is, actually a cold place

صفحه 6:
Pie Chart Infographics Mercury Jupiter It’s the smallest. —@® e It's the biggest planet in the Solar planet in the Solar system system Saturn Mars @— wsacold place. it's full of iron oxide It's composed mostly of hydrogen and helium dust Venus Neptune Venus has avery —) ‏صر‎ modify this graph, click oni Wes the farthest poisonous follow the link, change the data and planet from the Sun atmosphere paste it here

صفحه 7:
Pie Chart Infographics “To modify this graph, click on it follow the link, change the data and paste it here Iv’s the smallest planet in Mere the Solar System ury Ws the biggest planet in Jupite the Solar System r It’s composed mostly of Satur hydrogen and helium n It’s a cold place. It’s full Mars of iron oxide dust Venus has a very Venu poisonous atmosphere 5

صفحه 8:
Pie Chart Infographics 6% Mercury Is the smallest planet of 9 site being ced, Mars is a cold place 14 Meus nasa very poisonous atmosphere Jupiter is the fos , ® planet of them all © ميب farthest planet from the Sun

صفحه 9:
Pie Chart Infographics ‘To modify this graph, click on it follow the link, change the data and paste it here Jupiter is a gas giant and the gest planet in the Solar System Venus has a beautiful name, but also very high temperatures Saturn is composed mostly of hydrogen and helium Mars is a cold place. It's a planet full of iron oxide dust

صفحه 10:
“To modify this graph, click on it follow the link, change the data and paste it here Pie Chart Infographics It’s the smallest planet in the Solar System It’s the biggest planet in the Solar system It’s composed of hydrogen and helium It's a cold place. It’s full of iron oxide dust Venus has a very poisonous atmosphere Merc ury Jupit er Satur Mars Venu %

صفحه 11:
Jupiter is the biggest planet of them all Neptune is the farthest planet from the Sun 62 % 38 % Pie Chart Infographics 38 despite being re, ‘% _— Marsis a cold place 62 satumisa gas sient % and has rings Venus has a beautiful name, but it’s hot Mercury is the closest planet to the sun 80 % 20 %

صفحه 12:
Pie Chart Infographics USS SD “To modify this graph, click om it, follow the link, change the data and paste it here Mercury is the smallest planet of them all Venus has a beautiful name, but it’s hot Despite being red, Mars is a cold place Jupiter is the biggest planet of them all Neptune is the farthest planet from the Sun 6666©

صفحه 13:
Pie Chart Infographics 75 _ 0 9 biggest planet in the Solar System 7/6 15 senushas« beaut nme, btit's — terribly hot, even hotter than % Mercury 0 Mars is actually a cold place. Itis a % planet full of iron oxide dust 0

صفحه 14:
Pie Chart Infographics To moaify this graph, click on it follow the link, change the data and paste it here Reed Red It's the smallest It’s the biggest planet in the Solar planet in the Solar System System Ete Cae It's composed of It’s a cold place. It's hydrogen and full of iron oxide helium dust

صفحه 15:
Pie Chart Infographics ‘Te modify this graph, click oni, follow the link, change the data and paste it here 15 stercury is the Mars actually 25. fy <losest planet Isacold place of, So cece. Jupiteristhe 20 fy Finged planet biggest planet o/, 10 Plato is actually a f%, — dwarf planet Earth is where 9 % allweliveon oy ومع 15 beautiful % name

صفحه 16:
Pie Chart Infographics To moaify this graph, click on it follow the link, change the data and paste it here Venus Jupiter ees pe tees ones 25% 25% Saturn 1-0 0 35% Ea ‏ی‎

صفحه 17:
Mercury is the smallest planet in the Solar System It’s the biggest planet in the Solar System Saturn is composed of hydrogen and helium Mars is a cold place. It’s full of iron oxide dust Pie Chart Infographics To mouify this graph, click on it follow the link, change the data and paste it here 38 6 % 10۳7 2 it oF Jupite 18 satur % n ‎Mars‏ 16 ون ‎% ‎

صفحه 18:
‎es‏ سد سد سر ‎Pie Chart Infographics ‎‘To modify this graph, click on it follow the link, change the data and paste it here ‎It's the smallest planet in the Solar ‎System ‎It's composed mostly ‎of hydrogen and helium ‎Venus has a very poisonous, atmosphere ‎It’s the biggest planet in the Solar System It’s actually a cold place. It's full of iron oxide dust ‎ ‎It’s the smallest planet in the Solar ‎System ‎it’s composed mostly ‎of hydrogen and helium ‎Venus has a very poisonous, atmosphere ‎It’s the biggest planet in the Solar System It’s actually a cold place. It's full of iron oxide dust

صفحه 19:
© 15 Venus has a beaut name and is second planet from the Sun c O 5% Saturn is a gas giant, composed mostly of hydrogen and helium Pie Chart Infographics © 25 Despite being yy, Jupiter is a gas aig, and the bigg planet in the Solar ‘System

صفحه 20:
Pie Chart Infographics Ei» Mars is a very cold place. Its atmosphere is full of iron oxide dust, which makes it red 125% “Venus Jupiter is a gas giant and the biggest planet in the System. It was named after god ‘Saturn is the ringed one. It’s a gas giant and it’s ‘composed mostly of hydrogen and helium en= Earth is the third planet from the Sun. It is the only planet known to have life so far

صفحه 21:
5% Satum is ages giant and has several rings Pie Chart Infographics 10% 45% Venus is the Jupiter is the second planet biggest planet from the Sun and a gas giant 25% Mercury is the ‘smallest planet of them all

صفحه 22:
Pie Chart Infographics ‘To modify this graph, click on it follow the link, change the data and paste it here ©) 10% Satum is a gas giant and has rings, © 25% Despite being red, Mars is a cold place Yo jupher is the biggest planet of them all 25% Venus isa planet with a beautiful name © 20% 10% Mercury is the Neptune is far ew” Sway from Earth closest planet to the Sun

صفحه 23:
Pie Chart Infographics To moaify this graph, click on it follow the link, change the data and paste it here 15 Jupiter is a gas giant and also the % biggest planet in the Solar System 4.0 Mercury is the closest planet to the Sun % ‘and smallest one in the Solar System 5 Venus has a beautiful name and is the % second planet from the Sun 706

صفحه 24:
Pie Chart Infographics Jupiter isa gas glant and Siso the biggest planet inthe Solar System Neptune is the farthest planet in the Solar System Saturn is a gas giant and has several rings Despite being red, Mars is a cold place Mercury is the smallest planet ‘To modify this graph, click on it follow the link, change the data and paste it here

صفحه 25:
Pie Charts Infographics Mercu Jupite fe3the smallest planet in the Solar It's the biggelt planet in the Solar ste system atur ۳ Mars §B composed It’s a cold place. It's mostly of hydrogen {ull of iron oxide and helium ust Neptu Venus Venus has a very It’s the farthest poisonous planet from the Sun atmosphere

صفحه 26:
Pie Chart Infographics on it, follow the link, change the data and paste it here To modify this graph, c Mercu It's the smallest planet in the Solar System ‎Jupite spices the biggest planet in the Solar‏ ى ‎r ‘System‏ ‎Satur ‎It's composed mostly of hydrogen and n helium ‎Mars Mars is a cold place. It’s full of iron oxide dust ‎» Venus ‘Venus is a planet with a poisonous atmosphere

صفحه 27:
Pie Chart Infographics It's the closest planet to the Sun It’s composed of hydrogen and helium Venus has a poisonous atmosphere It’s a gas giant in the Solar System Mars is full of iron oxide dust It’s now considered a dwarf planet Earth is the planet where we live on It’s the farthest planet from the sun Merc ‏ادا‎ ‎Qenu Jupite r Mars Pluto Earth Nept une 1,2 12 12 5 55 55 55 2 5%

صفحه 28:
Pie Chart Infographics Mercury is the smallest planet Mars is actually a cold place Venus has a beautiful name Satum is the ringed planet Jupiter is the biggest planet 23 1 26 28 1 % ‘To modify this graph, click on it, fl link, change the data and paste it her

صفحه 29:
Pie Chart Infographics 50% 40% 10% G Ww ‏وا‎ Jupiter Venus Mars : ۳ Ithas a Mars is actually irs gas gan beautiful name, a cold place. ‏الي لسلا‎ Ws a planet full inSolargystem ‘Mot, more than of iron oxide Mercury dust

صفحه 30:
Pie Chart Infographics To moaify this graph, click on it follow the link, change the data and paste it here Mercury Jupiter It's the smallest it's the biggest planet in the Solar planet in the Solar system system Saturn Venus It's composed of Venus has a hydrogen and beautiful name, but its hot helium

صفحه 31:
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صفحه 32:
ات مس ما مت ۱ ee ene eee eee vee. eres ee ere eee eee Pe aren ir ria ‏اا ا‎ eee Fo eee eee er Stee enone ‏بسح نسحي‎ ieee 0/۳ ree [۱ eat iets ee ce er ee 0 Penne re ‏ناعير بيج قم مسف‎ Pots ier es enero eee ‏سيا بجت‎ eo Po ‏يا‎ et ee eae eee ead lhe cri haa ۳۳7

صفحه 33:
سس وم ee eee ete 6 ا ‎0١ 0‏ لسن + 0 لسو ب وه پ سس لمی رسما ‎eee eer eee‏ مهم با سس و 000 Ce ee eS eee ae ee eet ‏موم‎ ce eee ۳ eee ae ere] ae ees Oe ee ee ens 0 eet eee

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