هنردکوراسیون و طراحی داخلی

قالب پاورپوینت نقاشی و رنگامیزی Paint roller

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Here goes your:

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Here is where you introduce yourself. You can add your name, title and a little background. Right click the image ‏لان اناولا لاعأيلا غز ععوامعء عمج‎

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am + Here is where you add "8 your talking points. CATR at elem te ‏یش رو ار گت لقن ی‎ @ Then we will talk about this. CON iit ‏روت‎

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We will talk about this first. Add a brief introduction of your section here. روا ترا رک ‎PS eo MDa‏ !داقصامة غداوطة 5غعه؟ 2 / / 4

صفحه 5:
Did you know? ELEPHANTS AND STORMS. Pel eae ۲2۴ ۵۱6۵۱۵۱۸۲6 ۵۱ ۵ ‏نیت‎ Elephants may be able to detect a ‏بلاقللاة كعاتم عه كلعع)عصتبط تصمع؟ لممغومعلصبط‎ and will head towards it, looking for water.

صفحه 6:
MMM, CAN | FIT IN? اا لت ا ل ينانا 0 ۲66۱6۲5 وه ۷۱۹۱۵۲5 از ‎determine if a space is too‏ ‎small to squeeze through?‏ Also, cats love to sleep. A fifteen-year-old cat has probably spent ten years of its life sleeping. Did you know? A MAN’S BEST FRIEND. Did you know that dogs can smell your feelings? Dogs can pick up on subtle ‏ایو نیت تن فا بات »ربا ره‎ can help him figure out how you are feeling, such as by smelling your perspiration UC ‏میتی ناملا‎ fearful.

صفحه 7:
“Clearly, animals know more than we think, and think a great deal more than we know.” — Irene M. Pepperberg

صفحه 8:
Did you know? Pandas don’t hibernate. ۱ ‏یا‎ ic meme Resi) EOC tC Bee eC emu Um me cide eee ‏ل‎ ee Re ce CCN Beer ee eC CSC ie cue ca | Ur Ce ‎oe‏ ات ارات ات وکا ‎Koalas don’t have much energy and, when not feasting on leaves, ‏وصاعمه عصنا ۲تعط) 0معمد برعط‎ Roe eee en ats ۱ ‎

صفحه 9:
Very interesting facts! نالا 211065 لالقده 35 5ع5!10 1ه غع5 تطغ عغمء أامبط .كلمع وماععع5 ‎ol‏ تین ات زرا ‎need to go over all your sections.‏

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s it only takes one image... لل ل 2

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Some facts about my cats. Of my cats are adorable. Traveled by plane. Twice! ۸۲۰ ۰

صفحه 13:
Let’s review some facts. 5ةلموم ‎ee eure‏ نا ‎Kangaroos ‏ين ‎rac iC‏ كن ‎Koalas ‎CONE Cun Tag ‏تلا‎ ‎Elephants ‎te eee ‎Dogs ‎۱ ‏ل‎ es ‎Cats ‎meee‏ وت ‎Peer eee)‏ ‎RCC‏ 00 و۳۵۵ ‎

صفحه 14:
Marie M. Pea et ate Cea Cunt cur is ‏قانونا ملمصصم ممعمعم‎ rec و رل ۱ ‎ea‏ و۱3 ‎era Ro‏ 0 ‎eM Ey‏ ‎is‏ عوه ‎Erika V. ‎۱۳ ‏رز‎ aes Cea eae Ta eis CU CME) era ۲ ‎ ‎

صفحه 15:
This is an editable world ار ۱ 5ه ‎get ola‏ ۱ ‎eeu Red‏ ‎Berg CSe ela rtts‏ ۹2 عا۴0:]20 10096 ROM any ۱ ‏الى عومقط‎ ‏ام‎

صفحه 16:
And this is a timeline or process Lorem ‏امك ترناكما‎ ‏ات‎ ‏توت تست‎ ۱9 ‏ابیت‎ ‏فلك‎ Thursday ستیگ ‎ipsum dolor‏ ,3006 غأو ‎consectetue‏ ‎r adipiscing‏ ‎iis‏ Wednesd jay| لبنح ةا ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetue ‏الل الیل ها‎ elit. Tuesday Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetue 9 ‏ریات‎ ‏نات‎ لو ‎Monda‏ :~ ‎See‏ ‎Lorem‏ ‎ipsum dolor‏ لك ‎consectetue‏ ‏رز زا اه

صفحه 17:
Right cick this placeholder and select, “Replace Image! Presenting a website? If you are presenting a website, an ‏روز ات روت یلا‎ Melati ‏ا‎ 1a) Plt CoM Meco git al me Ce

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Presenting a website? If you are presenting a website, an Right click this. internet product or an app, you can ‏ير‎ place a screenshot of it “Replace Image’

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Right click this placeholder and select ‘Replace Image! Presenting an app? If you are presenting a website, an internet product or an app, you can place a screenshot of it here.

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Presenting an app? If you are presenting a website, an internet product or an app, you can ‏هام‎ 2 56۲۵۵۴5۱۵۲ ۵0۴ 1۱] ۵۲۵۱

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Credits. Presentation Template: SlidesMania Images: Unsplash Fonts used in this presentation: Bellota and Freckle Face

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Editable Icons 4ه هم د به « 8 8 2 م كا و ل © 9 مج 5 خخ © 2 حا عا سلا ققخ 25 0 ‎ii‏ ا ار 20ت + ++ ر © )ا # ر 8 م8 و > »> © 4 © " عو م + ش ءا 6 5 0 ن أ » »ه شر يك ‎Mat‏ 25 0 25 يفا لشت ” 5 © ؟ © © وم و٠«‏ ث 2 ه نز حو هج 85 ثم

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ESMANIA Free themes and templates for Google Slides or PowerPoint ۱ Sharing i ing! NOT to be sold as is or modified! aning's caring Read FAO on slidesmania.com Do not remove the slidesmania.com text on the sides. Ei vy 90

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